Indoor Air Quality Treatments
“It is important to have high indoor air quality in your home or business or this could lead to headache, eye irritation, fatigue, dry throat, sinus congestion, dizziness, and nausea.”
The air quality in your home can be the cause of various health conditions you are experiencing. Airborne mold spores, dust, pollen, and other allergens can accumulate in your home and will eventually lead to allergic reactions and respiratory issues. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are chemical emissions that come from cleaning products, paints and varnishes, adhesives in furniture, and deodorizers. The combination of gases and odors from these chemicals can build up inside your house and cause serious long-term health conditions such as cancer, lung diseases, and damage to the nervous system.
There is a better way to protect your home or office from invisible threats. Improve your indoor air quality with a chemical-free sanitizing process! Our Fresh Air Fog Treatments are effective for eliminating viruses, bacteria, mold, toxins, odors, and contaminants. The solutions we use in the ULV foggers are safe for residential and commercial applications.
These OSHA approved treatments will completely revolutionize the industry because of their effectiveness. With OMG Sanitized, our Fresh Air Fog Treatments usually take a few hours to decontaminate an entire home or office. Other companies use strong chemical solutions to treat the problem. Most of these chemical based applications will take a few days to evaporate before the occupants can safely return. So, we basically reduce the turn-around time by at least 24-48 hours. Our competitive pricing is based upon the size of your home. For example, an average size home (1500-2000 sq. ft.) will cost you $500 to sanitize using OMG!
Finally, individuals suffering with Asthma, Allergies, COPD, and Mold Sensitivities have a safe alternative to regularly sanitize the air they breath every day. It takes an experienced service that employs certified indoor air quality specialists to address these health related issues.